
Exploring hidden strategy through the lens of Data Visualization

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Monopoly Visualization Project

This project contains visualizations created using the Monopoly Board Frequencies and Economies dataset, which is an aggregation of 60000 turns and their details taken by a single player in the game, collected using simulation.

There are five visualizations, each of a different section of the original dataset, contained within its own .rmd file. The data frames used to create each visualization is available as a .csv file in the working directory, and can be found on the repository.

In order to run the code and view the specific visualization, the only task is to run the .rmd file.

The third party modules used in this project are (Their installations are written into the .rmd files):

  1. pandas(python)
  2. ggplot2
  3. hrbrthemes
  4. plotly
  5. htmlwidgets
  6. chorddiag
  7. dplyr
  8. networkD3

The interactive visualizations produced in the project can be found here.

The project report can be found here.